I'm sure the majority of you know that this past Friday was 'Black Friday' in the USA and some parts of Canada. Did any of you brave the crowds? Or do some online shopping to get some of those amazing deals? What did you get?
I ordered something online; I wanted to get more but what I wanted was sold out by the time I got around to having some free time to sit and shop :(
Also, today I didn't have time so that's a little upsetting. I worked and had a couple appointments and I was far too tired after I got home and made and ate dinner to think about looking at a bunch of different sites for the best bargain.
Wayne braved the crowds on Thursday night in Dearborn, Michigan for a few hours. It was worth it according to him. He came home with a bunch of stuff and in general spent about a third of what he would have had be bought everything full priced, and in Canada. I'm excited to get a lot of what he bought for Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, how many of you are prepared? I plan on decorating my house tomorrow. I would normally decorate on December 1st, but as I said, I worked and had appointments and such so I didn't get to that today, either.
I'll post some pictures of the decorations later this week :)
That's all for now! Thank you and good night!
Be Wonderful :)
PS. If you're not following me on Instagram, go do it. I'm going to try out the 'Photo A Day December' thing. My name is @shelbyanng9 ;)
This is the photo I posted today to kick off the month
This is the photo I posted today to kick off the month