Sunday, May 4, 2014

What A Wonderful Week!!

Hi Everybody!!

On this quiet Sunday morning I decided to do a Lush 'The Sacred Truth' face mask (because I have some spare time before everyone else starts to wake up) and reflect on this past week of my life. I have come to the realization that last week was so awesome for me that I think it will be hard for another week this Spring to top it.

First off, I started this blog *points at computer*, spent time with my family, hung out with some amazing friends, went shopping... oh, and I worked, but that doesn't necessarily contribute to the awesomeness that was my week ;)

I posted a couple days ago about my Sephora shipment that came on Friday morning, so that in itself is so exciting that it's worth mentioning again, but yesterday is a pretty good contender in the world of beauty products.

It was my stepdaughter's 15th birthday yesterday, so the family went out for a lovely dinner to The Keg, and when we had gotten home, my brother had sent me a message saying the birthday gift him and my sister-in-law had ordered for me was finally in. I asked for something as a pipe dream never even dreaming in a million years I would actually have it, especially since it was constantly sold out online (and of course, only available online). Well, it came back in stock, so I instantly told my brother about it *with a giant sense of urgency*, and the fantastic man that he is, ordered it with that same sense of urgency. So him and my sister-in-law stopped by our house when we had gotten home from dinner to give me my gift.

Drum roll please..!!

It was the Jaclyn Hill Beauty Expert Box for Sigma!!!!!! It's still so surreal. I woke up this morning long before my alarm with my heart pumping out of excitement because I can't wait to use them!!

So I am aware that the majority of this post was all about the anticipation of these brushes (which, why shouldn't it be all about them??), but the rest of my week was pretty amazing as well. I got my teeth cleaned (which I LOVE getting done.... I know... I'm kinda weird, but whatever), I went for some drinks with friends, I went shopping with the lovely April (, had her and her boyfriend over for dinner (which I posted about), worked *boo :( *, and spent time with my beautiful family :). All in all, it really was a wonderful week.

I hope each and every one of you had just as amazing of a week (it would be super eerie if it were exactly the same as mine), and I hope you have an amazing week ahead of you!! :)

***In case some of you were wondering (because I can't type 1000 words per minute), yes I have washed the Lush mask off my face, and yes it does feel incredible; so clean, so fresh, so soft. I recommend everyone go and get one because it's only around $7 and you can get 4-5 uses out of it. Totally worth it!!***

Be Wonderful :)

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