Saturday, July 19, 2014

I'm So Nice:)

Hi Everybody!!

I know I may sound a little arrogant by the title, but I promise you will think the same thing when you're through reading this post :)

So Wayne's daughter had surgery this past Monday. Don't worry, it wasn't overly major surgery; she was in and out of the hospital within several hours, and she is recovering wonderfully. After last weekend going to Wayne's son's baseball tournament, and spending the weekend focused on him, I thought it would be nice to focus on her and do something nice for her. 

She was at her mom's house for a few days following the surgery so it allowed me to work on a little project I had been thinking about doing for a couple months for her. That, paired with me offering to cook her anything she wanted for dinner the first night she came back to our house, I figured would be something she would very much enjoy. 

First, the dinner. I went to culinary school, I know my way around the kitchen, and occasionally I will spoil the children by making something that isn't always chicken and vegetables, and they ask for those things regularly, but I know the importance of healthy eating, so I rarely make those other meals. Since Wayne's daughter had the surgery, I told her we could have anything she wanted for dinner the first night back at our house. Turns out I didn't have to cook at all! She wanted a 'Make Your Own Pizza' night. I was 100% okay with that!! Super easy, plus no complaints about what anyone is being served because they would only have themselves to blame!! :) 

That is the pizza I made. My favourite toppings on earth are: pepperoni, red onion, and feta cheese. If you haven't had those three together, do it. And thank me later :) Everone enjoyed their pizza just the same, and everyone was happy, which is what this life needs. 

For the second project, I had been thinking about it for a couple months but the perfect opportunity never came up. Until last week. In Wayne's son's room, he has a desk which he keeps all of his video game stuff on as well as his tv. However, since Christmas, when he got an xbox and plays it downstairs, he has played video games in his room less than a handful of times. So I wanted to get a smaller tv stand for him and move the desk into Wayne's daughter's room and make her a vanity set up similar to the one I have (but more appropriate for a 15 year old). 

My brother was tearing up his basement and getting rid of a lot of stuff he's had down there for years, so I asked for the tv stand because it was perfect for what I wanted to do. I made the switch earlier this week and I have to say it looks pretty great! I found a mirror at a thrift store for $4 and I painted it black to match the desk. I also picked up some Sonia Kashuk items at Target that were on clearance as well as some makeup remover wipes (because she always uses mine). I moved a few things around in her room so it doesn't look crowded and I think I did a really good job. 

Unfortunately I was at work when she came to our house, but Wayne told me she was really excited and shocked when she walked into her room that day. I'm glad she has her own space and won't be using mine anymore :). 

That's my good deed for the week. Maybe the month! Ha!

Thank you so much!!

Be Wonderful :)

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