Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Target Liquidation :(

Hi Everybody!

If you've read my previous post about losing my job, you know I don't have a whole lot of information other than the garbage they've been feeding us for the past 3 weeks. I heard a couple days ago about when the liquidation is supposed to start, and that day is tomorrow. Luckily I don't work until Monday, so hopefully the vultures have come and gone for the most part by then. We don't have any more information regarding what kind of sales there are going to be, but apparently it's going to be 'like Black Friday'. I think that may be just a little more bullshit sprinkled on top of the garbage dump of everything else we're being told. As far as I was told at work yesterday, Target was supposed to go to court today to determine which liquidation companies would be taking over the sales, and I was speaking with another team member yesterday who told me that when Zellers went into liquidation, the initial sales were only 10% off regular prices. So I'm not getting my hopes up for anything out of this world in regards to the sales that will be happening.

That being said, I made quite the list of things I want for when the store does liquidate. Mostly household things, like medicine and toiletries, and paper products, but there are also many makeup items I want (obviously). I got a new set of Alex drawers from IKEA for Christmas, and the drawers aren't full to their whole potential yet, so I need to change that.

Anyway, that's all for now! Thanks!

Be Wonderful :)

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