Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I'm Baaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkk!!!

Yep. It's been a while again. Is there a use in apologizing? Because I feel like I've been doing that quite a bit in my blogging lately because I'M A HORRIBLE BLOGGER!!! And I'm not afraid to admit it.

Yes, I've been working almost 50 hours a week. No, I haven't had a whole hell of a lot of time to go shopping for makeup or to do product reviews. My days off are spent doing things I put off for the week so my weekends are usually jam packed with stupid adult things like grocery shopping and cleaning the house and laundry and all that garbage. I just want to play with makeup and express my views of everything and lay in bed with my cats.

But alas, I need to pay bills, so I need to work. But sometimes I have extra money, and I of course spend it on makeup. That obsession hasn't dwindled in the LEAST.

I moved on to my YouTube channel for a while, but I feel like my sister-in-law has gotten super annoyed with my going over once a month to use their iMac to edit my videos. So I haven't uploaded anything in at least 3 weeks, and I can't see another chance any time soon for me to have access to a Mac in order to continue editing. So I have decided that since I still want to share my love of all things beauty, I need to start blogging again. Especially if I want to consider myself a beauty blogger still. So until I save enough money to get my OWN iMac or MacBook, I have decided to return to actually typing about beauty products instead of just talking about them.

So get ready people! I'm back! :)

Talk to you soon!

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