Monday, October 27, 2014


Hi Everybody!!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in almost two weeks! Work has got me like whoa! I barely have days off and when I do, I make plans and run all the errands I can't do on the days I work. 

This past weekend was a prime example of that. I had Friday off of work, but in the morning I get Wayne's kids ready for school (breakfast, lunch, teeth brushed, etc.), so it's not like I really get to sleep in. My aunt also comes over every Friday morning to have me do her hair. I dye it as well as wash and style it. When she left I had a couple errands to run. When I was done my errands, I had an appointment. 

I'm not sure if any of you remember my disappointment in the opening day at Sephora, but I angrily tweeted that day, and in response to my tweets, Sephora offered me a custom makeup application with one of teir beauty experts as well as an array of deluxe samples, so I made that appointment for last Friday. The makeup application wasn't worth it because I feel as though I do it better on myself, but the samples I got totally were! 

When I got home from my appointment, I made dinner. We went grocery shopping after dinner. I was in bed by 9 because I had to get up at 5 for work the next day. 

Saturday was probably my busiest day. I worked 7-130, went to pick up my friend Rachel, brought her back to my house, did her makeup, and we went to a wedding ceremony for 330. 

When that was over, I dropped her off at home, and her and her sister came over to my house very shortly after so I could do her sister's makeup. Her sister was going to the reception with her because I had plans with Wayne and the kids. Wayne made dinner, and when we were done eating and cleaning up, we went to pick his daughter up from work. We had made plans to go to a Spirit/Ghost Walk out in the county. Basically all you do is follow someone around while they tell you creepy historical stories. She ended up working an extra 45 minutes, so we were going to be late for the starting time, so we didn't go. We just went back home and watched a recorded episode of a tv show called Resurrection. We all enjoy that show and we always watch it together. I went to bed after it was done. 

Sunday I worked 7-130 again. When I got home, I did the regular boring chores (dishes, laundry, cleaning, blah blah) and watched some football in there too. I am of the firm belief that every single store should be closed on Sundays so we can all watch football. Dinner, clean up, tv, bed. 

Jeez! Just talking about my weekend exhausts me. I need a vacation. Any suggestions? 

Thank you!

Be Wonderful :)

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