Friday, August 8, 2014

Surprise 60th!!

Hi Everybody!!

So it was my mom's 60th birthday on July 29th, and it is my dad's 60th birthday today (August 8th), so for the past few months, my brother, sister, and myself were planning a surprise 60th birthday for the two of them. I called all of my aunts and uncles months ago, and I started the conversation by asking if they can keep a secret. Some of their initial responses were pretty funny, but after I assured some of them that I am very much not pregnant, they were all totally on board for hiding it from my parents! I was very excited and happy with all of their compliance. 

I had been thinking about how to get my parents over to my house for several weeks, and I thought it would be a great excuse to have them come over for a nice dinner in the backyard when I was finished gutting and remaking the garden. Not only did it give me a deadline, but it was a reasonable enough excuse that they wouldn't suspect a thing. 

My sister had the great idea of ordering roses to be delivered to our mom during the party. Unfortunately nothing in our city does that, so I just ordered them and picked them up myself. We also pooled and made a gift basket for our dad containing little bottles of rum, whiskey, coke, honey roasted peanuts, and maple bacon chocolate. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of the basket.

The party was a potluck style party. I asked everyone to bring a dish of some sort. I actually made a sort of menu and asked everyone to bring something specific to make sure we had all of our ground covered. 

The surprise part of the party was pretty perfect if I do say so. My parents were super surprised. It was pretty stressful for me leading up to the time they were supposed to come over, but once they were here and everyone that was hiding yelled surprise, I calmed down a little. 

I had a really good time. My parents were surprised. The weather was perfect. Everyone had fun. Some of my aunts and uncles even went on the trampoline!! We had good food, great company, and best of all, my parents had an awesome surprise 60th celebration. 

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and I hope you have an amazing weekend! Thanks so much!

Be Wonderful :)

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