Friday, May 9, 2014

Ellie Goulding Concert!

Last night I went to the Ellie Goulding concert with my sister at Caesars Windsor. We were given the tickets by our mom, who got them from a patient (she works at a doctor's office), and she had the lovely idea of giving them to us girls as something for us to do together :)

The tickets were General Admission, which at the Coliseum means standing room right in front of the stage, which is pretty awesome, unless you're wearing six inch heels, which my sister was. I was practical and wearing nice flats. So we asked one of the ushers if we could possibly trade seats with a couple people that were sitting in the front row on the floor, and we got to! So we were still really close, but with the comfort of sitting :)

The concert was awesome. That pretty well sums it up. Ellie sounded amazing; she was full of energy, running and jumping and dancing around on stage, all while singing her sexy raspy heart out. Her voice is so unique and amazing sounding that I was convinced she was lip syncing for half of her first song. I'm not going to lie, I don't know many of her songs (basically the ones that are played on the radio), but after last night, I'm honestly thinking about going out and buying her album. A lot of her songs had a really good beat to it, which I love and really look for in a song.

We were both super tired and decided to leave when she was performing her last song of the night, 'I Need Your Love' so we could beat the traffic and insanity all leaving the casino at the same time, but all in all it was a really good concert and I'm really happy we went :)

Be Wonderful :)

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