Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!! :)

Hi Everybody!!

I want to start today's blog with a giant 'Happy Mother's Day!!!!!'. There are so many kinds of mothers out there, and I want you all to know how much you are loved and appreciated, not only today, but every day of every month of every year. Speaking from personal experience, I know that us children don't always show our love and appreciation, but when it comes down to it, we know that you are our mothers and we love you. Promise ;)

That being said, I received an amazing Mother's Day gift from my boyfriend (I'm a pseudo stepmother to his children; a 15 year old girl and an 11 year old boy) yesterday. I just discovered this product and very VERY quickly fell in love with it! It's 'Dot by Marc Jacobs'. If you don't own this, go buy it right now. It is one of the best smelling perfumes I've ever owned in my life. It's sweet like candy, but a hint musky but depth of the musk helps cut the sweetness. It's perfection. Not to mention the packaging looks adorable!! It looks like a lady bug, and who doesn't like lady bugs?? I will be wearing this for a very long time and I couldn't be more grateful for this gift.

I have spent the majority of my day with my mother, going shopping and treating her to lunch, then going back to her house for a glass of wine on the patio before I came home to get ready for dinner (and of course, blog). It was been quite wonderful. The whole family (aside from my dad who is in Alabama currently for work) will be going to my brother and sister-in-law's house for a dinner they have specially prepared for today :)

I am so thankful and really can't put into words how much I appreciate and love my family. Every day it's hard to believe I lucked out so much in the family lottery.

I hope each and every one of you are enjoying your Sunday/Mother's Day. You all deserve it.

Be Wonderful :)

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