Tuesday, May 13, 2014

So Scared :(

Hi Everybody!!!

I know that judging by the title of this post I shouldn't be saying hello so excitedly, but to be fair, I was referring to how I felt yesterday.

My boyfriend and I have 5 cats (yes, 5, and I'm not ashamed or a crazy cat lady; I had 3 and he had 2 before we moved in together), and yesterday I thought it would be a great idea to clip all of their nails. They're all usually pretty compliant when I do it, and it's getting easier the more I do, but I will admit I have been slightly neglectful with it for a couple of months.

I should divulge that I used to put the 'kitty caps' on them to make their clawing impact on the couches less disastrous, but I haven't put them on in a few months because they have seemed to let up on the couches. So I guess the caps are supposed to grow off as their claws grow (if they even last that long with the cats biting and pulling at them), but one of the cats, Nala, had a stubborn one that wouldn't come off. I just thought it was a little funny that wherever she walked on the hardwood I could hear the little tap tap tap of the cap on the floor. I didn't think anything of it until yesterday.

As it turns out, her claw kept growing. And curling. And growing. All the way to her pad on the bottom of her paw. When I discovered this, I kind of freaked out a little, and I'm not ashamed of it. I may have teared up a little, and I'm not ashamed of that, either. She is the first cat I got when I lived on my own, and she is my little princess. Her personality is a lot like my own (like mother, like daughter, right?), and I would do anything for her.

I looked up on the internet (worst idea EVER) what I should do when something like this happens. That made my condition worse. The majority of the stories I read basically said the cat has to be taken to the vet to have their claw removed, be put under, and it would cost $500. The money part doesn't bother me; I would spend every penny I have and go without just to make sure my animals are well taken care of. I just wanted her to be okay.

So I texted a veterinarian technician friend of mine explaining the situation and how I was freaking out a little, and she could tell, so she offered to come over when she was done work to have a look at Nala's paw. Those 4 hours were severely grueling. But she came, had a look, clipped the nail right where the cap ended, and that was that. Nala didn't even flinch *proud mom*. It was like nothing had happened. I couldn't believe it. According to my friend, it was a VERY good thing her claw hadn't started growing into her pad, otherwise it would have definitely required a veterinarian visit.

So my baby is doing just fine. And I am also doing just fine. I'm very happy I didn't have to take her to the vet. I'm sure she's happy, too :) So we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

I hope each and every one of you are having a great day!!

Be Wonderful :)

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